Tuesday, March 25, 2008

macro3 = This is my third macro!
macro8 = This is my eighth macro!
macro9 = /quit Bah! Humbug!

The macros are accessible by pressing alt-#, where # is replaced by
the number of the macro. "lines" can be set to 25 or 50.
"beeponarrival" causes Kali Chat to beep when people join. Read
the sample kchat.cfg for more.

Now I'm Really Ready! Right?

All right! Kali is now installed and ready for carnage! Now you
need to find opponents. There are several Kali Servers that you
can connect to and find other players.

Kali Servers are special Kali nodes that run 24 hours a day, all
year round. The purpose of Kali Servers is to provide a common
meeting place for Kali players. Here is the most recent list of
Kali Servers:

ip# Name Full name
--- ---- --------- Kali Central tracker.texas.net Kali World kali.net AXXIS Server axxis.com CastleNet kali.castle.net FlexNet gate.dungeon.com Internexus kali.internexus.net

To connect to a Kali Server, just type:
