Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Using Kali With a Shell Account


To use Kali with a shell account, you need a SLIP emulator. The
only SLIP emulator that current supports port-redirection
(something very important to Kali) is a program called SLiRP. Many
internet providers, including netcom, use TIA for SLIP access. TIA
2.0 doesn't work with Kali. Use SLiRP instead.

You *must* use SLiRP version 0.9k or newer. The older versions
just won't work with Kali (problems with the UDP redirection code).
To get SLiRP, login into your shell account and from there download
the SLiRP source code from your favorite Kali site, or the latest
can always be found at:


The instructions for installing SLiRP are included with this
program. The installation of SLiRP is done from your shell
account, not DOS. Basically, you will need to unzip the archive
first by typing:

gunzip slirp-0.9k.tar.gz

You then must untar the archive by typing:

tar -xvf slirp-0.9k.tar

This will create a directory structure called slirp-0.9k/. Go to
the src subdirectory by typing cd slirp-0.9k/src. Type:


Then type:


This will create a file called slirp. Copy this file to your home
directory. Something like:

cp slirp ~

might work. Then, using your favorite text editor, create a file
called .slirprc in your home directory. Put the following in this

redir udp 2213 to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:2213
baudrate 28800
mtu 2000
