Monday, April 07, 2008

To join a channel, type /join #channelname. To exit, type /quit.

To use Kali Chat with Kali. First run Kali and connect to a
server; then run Kchat. After finding players for a game, exit
Kali Chat and directly launch your game. No need to re-run Kali.

These are the commands that you can enter while in Kali Chat:

/help - display the list of commands
/clear - clear screen
/[25|50] - select 25 or 50 line mode
/nick - change nickname
/away - tell everyone that you are away from your PC
/beep [on|off] - beep when getting a private message
/join <#channel> - join a different channel
/who [<#channel>|*] - list people using Kali Chat
/whois - get information on a registered user
/msg [|#] - send a private message
/me - posture a message
/ping [|#|*] - test connection speed
/ignore - toggles the ability to ignore someone
/shownodes - will display the user's ip# next to each nickname
/hidenodes - will not display the ip numbers
/offer - offer a file for other people to download
/get <#> - get file <#> as
/progress - displays download progress (from sender)
/kali - list people connected to the Kali server
/motd - display message of the day from server
/quit [] - exit chat program

Pressing alt-x will also exit Kali Chat. Pressing ctrl-l will
clear the screen.