Saturday, November 03, 2007

Kali with Compuserve and Merit's etherppp

From: Lawrence Reiss <>

Here's the script:

send "at&f2\r" ;at&f1 for USR
recv 3000 "OK\r\n"
send "atdt9323198\r" ;put your local access# here
recv 60000 "CONNECT"
send "\r"
recv 60000 "Host Name:"
send "CIS\r"
recv 60000 "User ID:"
send "12345,1234/go:pppconnect\r" ;put your own login id here
recv 60000 "Password:"
send "\r" ;and your own password

Run the dialer in the usual way with this script, remembering NOT
to touch the keyboard until you get an ip address. There will be
a delay of perhaps 30 seconds or so.

Copy the ip number onto the my_ip line of the wattcp.cfg file, or
use the program "snatch". Run kali in the usual way!