Saturday, September 29, 2007

Setting up the Hardware

Setting up your computer to use a DOS packet driver can be
complicated for people who aren't network gurus. This section will
attempt to show you all the steps needed to get the packet driver
installed and functioning properly.

Ethernet Setup Procedure (NOT for modem users!)
Step 0: START WITH A CLEAN BOOT!!!!! Set up your CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files to load as few drivers as possible. Some
definite things to EXclude are memory managers (HIMEM, EMM386,
QEMM, etc.) and network drivers (e.g. LSL, IPXODI). Most games
don't need the former, and the latter will probably conflict with
the packet driver. We recommend that you prepare an alternate
configuration (the multiple configuration facility built into
MS-DOS is ideal for this purpose; see your DOS manual for details)
specifically for Internet games with a CONFIG.SYS portion
containing only a FILES=20 line, and an AUTOEXEC.BAT portion
containing only the line "prompt=$p$g". Be sure to include the
line which loads your mouse driver (if you play your game using a

Friday, September 28, 2007

Finding slip or ppp packets drivers
SLIP (or SLiRP) users should get the file and PPP
users should get the file Both of these files can be
found at the Kali sites listed above.

Diagnostic Software
If you need basic network diagnostic utilities, the WATTCP
applications are freely available and include a PING program. Look
for a file called on your favorite ftp site, or find it
and other wattcp sources at:

NOTE: people using SLiRP will not be able to use ping utility.


1 l vody
¼ l oleje
1 lžička libečku
½ lžičky chillies
1 lžička pepře
1 masox
3 lžíce worcesteru
3 lžíce soli
4 větší stroužky česneku
1 ½ lžíce sladké papriky

Vše krátce svaříme a necháme vychladnout. Při grilování můžeme zlepšit trochou světlého piva.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Finding Kali and Related Files

To obtain Kali, log on to one of the following ftp sites (using
anonymous ftp). Change to the specified directory (e.g. cd
/pub/kali). Download the file This is the latest
version of Kali as of this writing.

The following Web sites also include information and some files: (under construction)

Finding ethernet packet drivers (not needed for modem use)
Many ethernet cards come with the appropriate packet drivers on a
utilities diskette packaged with the card. If your card does not
come with a packet driver, there is an excellent collection of
freely available packet drivers called the Crynwr Packet Driver
collection. You can obtain it via anonymous ftp from:

Most of the Kali ftp sites mentioned above also carry this
collection of drivers.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Getting Prepared - Software

In addition to the hardware requirements, some software is also
required to complete your setup. Before you can play, you'll need
to pick up the following:

* A packet driver. The packet driver is a standardized interface
that lets Kali "talk" to an ethernet card or modem. PPP users can
use Merit's etherppp ( or Klos's PPP driver (
SLIP users can use slipper or cslipper (

* Kali, the TCP/IP network driver for IPX games.

* Some basic network diagnostic tools, such as a PING and TCPINFO
program. These are not absolutely necessary, but can definitely be
useful for debugging and testing your setup (

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

* If you are not directly connected, you'll need a high speed modem
(the faster the better) as well as an account with an ISP (Internet
Service Provider) which has suitable dialup facilities.

NOTE: Users with "shell accounts" or who use SLIP emulators such as
TIA and SLiRP can also use Kali. See the section "Using Kali with
a shell account."

*If you're currently using SLIP or PPP, but your drivers operate
from under Microsoft Windows (such as Trumpet Winsock), you MUST
obtain a DOS SLIP or PPP driver; your Windows-based drivers will
NOT work for Kali. Kali will NOT work in a DOS windows under
Windows 95. A version of Kali written to work with Win95's built-
in TCPIP drivers is in development. Please don't email and ask
when it will be finished. I just don't know yet.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Getting Prepared - Hardware

To use Kali, you will need the following hardware:

* If your site is directly connected to the Internet (NOT connected
through a modem!), you'll need a network interface card (NIC) for
your machine. And not just any old NIC, mind you - your NIC must be
supported by a packet driver if you wish to use it to play Internet
games. Usually this means that your NIC must be an ethernet card,
although Kali has been successfully played over token ring. We
will assume that your PC is already equipped with a suitable NIC,
although it may currently be in use for some other non-TCP/IP
function (such as a node on a Novell network). As long as your NIC
is supported by a standard packet driver, your machine can be
readily converted into a Kali "playstation."


Most games only support IPX networks and modem/direct serial link
play; TCP/IP networks are not natively supported. With the right
software, however, most games designed to be played over IPX LANs
can be fooled into operating over the Internet. Kali uses the UDP
protocol to send game information between multiple machines on the
Internet. Kali has been used to play Descent, Doom, Doom II,
Heretic, Hexen, Command & Conquer, Apache, Rise of the Triad,
Terminal Velocity, Warcraft, VR Pool, Super Karts, Mortal Combat 3,
and other games over the Internet with opponents from all over the
world (not all games will be fast enough from modem connections).


Monday, September 03, 2007

Ohrožováním zdraví a životního prostředí je jednání, jímž soutěžitel zkresluje podmínky hospodářské soutěže tím, že provozuje výrobu, uvádí na trh výrobky nebo provádí výkony ohrožující zájmy ochrany zdraví anebo životního prostředí chráněné zákonem, aby tak získal pro sebe nebo pro jiného prospěch na úkor jiných soutěžitelů nebo spotřebitelů.

Právní prostředky ochrany proti nekalé soutěži

Osoby, jejichž práva byla nekalou soutěží porušena nebo ohrožena, mohou se proti rušiteli domáhat, aby se tohoto jednání zdržel a odstranil závadný stav. Dále mohou požadovat přiměřené zadostiučinění, které může být poskytnuto i v penězích, náhradu škody a vydání bezdůvodného obohacení.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Porušováním obchodního tajemství je jednání, jímž jednající jiné osobě neoprávněně sdělí, zpřístupní, pro sebe nebo pro jiného využije obchodní tajemství (§ 17), které může být využito v soutěži a o němž se dověděl:
a) tím, že mu tajemství bylo svěřeno nebo jinak se stalo přístupným (např. z technických předloh, návodů, výkresů, modelů, vzorů) na základě jeho pracovního vztahu k soutěžiteli nebo na základě jiného vztahu k němu, popřípadě v rámci výkonu funkce, k níž byl soudem nebo jiným orgánem povolán,
b) vlastním nebo cizím jednáním příčícím se zákonu.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Jakékoli srovnání odkazující na zvláštní nabídku musí jasně a jednoznačně uvést datum, ke kterému tato nabídka končí, nebo musí uvést, že bude ukončena v závislosti na vyčerpání zásob nabízeného zboží nebo služeb. Jestliže zvláštní nabídka nezačala ještě působit, musí soutěžitel také uvést datum, jímž začíná období, v němž se uplatní zvláštní cena nebo jiné zvláštní podmínky.