Monday, June 23, 2008

Kali Thanks!

I would like to thank all of the people who have made contributions
to Kali. Without these people you probably wouldn't be playing
internet games at all.

A special thanks goes to my wife Eleanor and daughter Jennifer. I
thank my wife for her patience, for allowing me those long hours in
my office pecking away at the computer, for being my attorney, for
being a friend and listening to all my problems, and for supporting
me 100%. I thank my daughter Jennifer for being herself. She's
just great! :)

The following people and/or companies have contributed in one way
or another. They are listed in chronological order of
contribution. I may have made a mistake in the ordering of one or
two but hopefully I didn't leave anyone out. If I did, *please*
let me know and I will correct it.

id Software - for writing Doom and providing the source code for
ipxsetup. This is what got me into multiplayer gaming!
Jake Page (snake) - the author of tcpsetup. tcpsetup was the first
program to allow internet Doom.
Erick Engelke - the author of Waterloo TCP (wattcp). Wattcp is
used in both iFrag and Kali.
Scott Coleman (Khan) - the author of iFrag and the original IPX
code in Kali. My mentor, friend, and adversary (Doom) for a
long time.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

***NOTE*** You must include the following information for me to be
able to help. Without this information, I won't answer most

1. What version of Kali are you using?
2. Connection type: {PPP, SLIP, SLiRP, ethernet}
3. Packet driver: {etherppp, slipper, cslipper, wd8003e, 3c509,
4. If using modem, what brand/model of modem and speed?
5. If using modem, what init string are you using?
6. Command line used to start packet driver.
7. Script used when connecting to host (or at least outline the
8. A copy of wattcp.cfg.
9. A copy of kali.cfg.
10. A copy of .slirprc if using SLiRP
11. A description of the problem and what steps you have taken to
try to resolve the problem. I want to know at what point in the
instructions in kali.doc you can't get past. If you send me email
stating that you cannot connect to Kali Central and don't tell me
that you can ping it successfully, I will just send you a copy of
this message. Please try to read the instructions first.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Q: How can I get more conventional memory?

A: Use a memory manager such as DOS's emm386 or QEMM. Load DOS
high and load Kali high (lh Kali). You should be able to get Kali
into an upper memory block on most systems. Read your DOS manual
or type "help emm386" at the DOS prompt. If use have a CDROM, try
to avoid loading all of its drivers. Using DOS 6.0 and above you
can create multiple configurations in your config.sys. Again, read
the DOCS.

Most games that use their own memory menager (like Doom and
Descent) will still work when used with emm386 or qemm. They also
still need at least some minimal conventional memory. Both Doom
and Descent will have fits if the conventional memory is below 350K

If using Merit's etherppp ( you might concider trying
pppshare instead. It uses 20-30K less memory.

Q: This stupid document didn't help. What do I do now?

A: If this list doesn't answer your question, please send your
question to:

Monday, June 09, 2008

Q: I can connect to a server, and I can even start playing a game.
Now my PC locks up after a few seconds of playing. What now?

A: Check the answer to Q7 above and if using ppp, be sure you have
the line "ppp=1" in wattcp.cfg.

Q: Why do I see myself listed twice in the kali /s list?

A: This is almost always a SLiRP problem. If the ip number for
both entries is the same, and the port number is different, then
the redirection command in .slirprc failed (or you used the wrong
command). If the ip number for both entries is different, then you
are using the wrong ip number in wattcp.cfg and probably the wrong
ip# in the redirection commands. The second number you see is the
correct ip#. Use this number in .slirprc and in wattcp.cfg.

Q: Why do I see myself listed more than 2 times in the kali /s

A: You are using a SLIP emulator that is not compatable with Kali.
The only SLIP emulator that works with Kali is SLiRP. TIA will NOT

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Suroviny Postup
2 lžíce olivového oleje
2 utřené stroužky česneku
1 nasekaná větší cibule
2 stonky řapíkovatého celeru, nasekaného nadrobno
100g strouhanky (lepší celozrnná)
200g uvařené a okapané čočky
200g na drobno nasekaných ořechů (nejlépe vlašských)
½ lžičky soli
mletý pepř
2 lžičky italského koření, či směsi bylinek
¼ lžičky chilli koření
4 lžíce sekané petrželky
2 rozšlehaná vejce
100 g čedaru
150 ml rajského protlaku
20g změklého másla
100g žampionů, nakrájených na plátky 1.Troubu předehřejeme na 190 °C. V kastrolku rozpálíme olej a osmahneme na něm cibuli a celer do měkka. Zeleninu v míse smícháme s čočkou, ořechy, strouhankou, solí, pepřem, kořením, chilli kořením, petrželkou, vejci, sýrem a rajským protlakem.
2. Formu o rozměrech ca. 23x12cm vyložíme po stranách papírem na pečení. Dno vymažeme máslem, naskládáme na něj houby a zakryjeme je směsí. Pečeme ca. hodinu a 20 min.
3.Hotové jídlo opatrně vyklopíme na podnos. Odstraníme papír a podáváme buď se zel. salátem, nebo s brambory.