Monday, November 26, 2007

Port menu:

I/O Port: allows you to select com1/2/3/4 or special. If you
select "special" you will be given the chance to set
your modem's Base Port.

Interrupt: this is usually selected automatically based on the
I/O port you selected above. For com1 and com3 use
interrupt 4. For com2 and com4 use interrupt 3.

Baudrate: if you are using a 16550 uart and a 28.8 modem
select 115200. Some people have reported problems
running at this speed. Try 57600 if you get
lockups. If you have a 16550 uart and a 14.4 modem
select 57600. If you don't have a 16550 uart you
must select a speed of 38400 or slower.

Flow Control: select Hardware.

Open Type: select Active for most configurations.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Using pppmenu to configure net.cfg
Since the menu system in pppmenu is fairly extensive I won't cover
everything, but I'll try to explain most of it. Run pppmenu. You
will get the Main Menu. If ppp.exe is already loaded you will get
options for Connect, Disconnect, Status Display, Hang-up, and
Terminal Mode. If ppp.exe isn't loaded you will only get an option
to edit the Current Configuration. We want to edit this
configuration. If ppp.exe is loaded select Connect and the press
F1 to Modify Profile. If ppp.exe is not loaded just press enter on
the Current option.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Using Kali with Klos' pppshare Driver

This driver is more complicated to setup than Merit's etherppp
driver. It does offer a faster connection and uses less memory so
it's worth the extra effort in most cases.

Get the files and from your favorite Kali ftp
site. Don't get the ppp.exe from and mixed
up. They are completely different. Unzip and
in your Kali directory.

The first step is configuring net.cfg. You can use pppmenu to edit
this file or manually edit the sample.cfg file that came with
pppshare (be sure to rename it net.cfg). If you run pppmenu
without the and ppp.exe loaded it will still allow you to
modify your net.cfg file, but it won't allow you to start a

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Using Kali with Netcom's Netcruiser and Merit etherppp

From: Byron Followell

Use this script:

send "at&f2\r" (or at&f1 for USR)
recv 3000 "OK\r\n"
send "atdt5551212\r" (substitute your local number)
recv 60000 "login: "
send "#\r" (substitute your own username)
recv 6000 "Password: "
send "\r" (and your password goes here)

Make sure you keep the # in front of your username. That's what
logs you onto a PPP connection. Replace with your valid

Your IP address will change everytime, but, only the last number
should change. For example, you may be on this
session and then then next time.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Kali with Compuserve and Merit's etherppp

From: Lawrence Reiss <>

Here's the script:

send "at&f2\r" ;at&f1 for USR
recv 3000 "OK\r\n"
send "atdt9323198\r" ;put your local access# here
recv 60000 "CONNECT"
send "\r"
recv 60000 "Host Name:"
send "CIS\r"
recv 60000 "User ID:"
send "12345,1234/go:pppconnect\r" ;put your own login id here
recv 60000 "Password:"
send "\r" ;and your own password

Run the dialer in the usual way with this script, remembering NOT
to touch the keyboard until you get an ip address. There will be
a delay of perhaps 30 seconds or so.

Copy the ip number onto the my_ip line of the wattcp.cfg file, or
use the program "snatch". Run kali in the usual way!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Put your nickname in kali.cfg and then put your network information
in wattcp.cfg. In many cases, this information will change each
time you connect. In this case, you will have to re-edit
wattcp.cfg each time.

A program called snatch is included with Kali. Running snatch
right after ppp.exe will usually fix the ip# in wattcp.cfg for you.
It will only work if ppp.exe, snatch.exe, and wattcp.cfg are all in
the same directory. Read the snatch.doc file.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


ppp /c 2 /d script /s 57600 /v

The "/c 2" tells PPP to dial out on COM2. The "/d script" tells
PPP to use the file DIAL.PPP as a script. The "/s 57600" tells PPP
to connect at 57600 (I've got a 14.4 modem and 16550 UART). As of
this writing, 57600 is the fastest speed supported by ppp.exe (some
people fool ppp.exe into running at 115200 by using /s 65500). If
you don't have a 16550 uart, you should select 38400 for the speed.
The /v tells ppp to use verbose mode (displays more on the screen).