Saturday, December 29, 2007

This isn't all the information that is possible in the link driver
section, but it contains all the important parts for Kali usage.
The CONFIGURATION keyword is just a way to identify this particular
setup. FRAME isn't used with Kali so you can ignore it for now.
PORT and BAUD should be obvious. FLOW CONTROL should always be set

CONNECTION can be set to direct, modem, autodial, demand, or
terminal. This tells ppp.exe what to do when it loads. The direct
and modem options aren't normally used. Set to autodial if you
know the script works. Set to demand if you want to manually start
the script from within pppmenu. Set to terminal if you want to do
the entire login process from a terminal window in pppmenu.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Here is a typical link driver section:

BAUD 115200
DIAL 5551212
MODEM NAME "Supra FAXmodem"
MODEM INIT3 "at&f2"
SCRIPT1 "login:" "#joecool\r" 20
SCRIPT2 "Password:" "snoopy\r" 30

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mempool is an area of memory used by LSL when doing it's work.
There isn't much reason to adjust this too much, but be sure to
have at least 4096 bytes. You might go as high as 16384, but I
really don't know if it will give you any performance increase. If
it does, please let me know and I'll pass this information along.

The next section of the net.cfg file is the Link Driver section.
In the case of pppshare this will be labeled "Link Driver PPP". If
you rename ppp.exe to another name like sillyppp.exe, you will have
to rename this section "Link Driver sillyppp".

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Manually Editing net.cfg for pppshare and Kali

The net.cfg file needs two sections for using Kali with pppshare.
The first section is called the Link Support section. Notice that
capitalization doesn't matter in most cases (except for scripting).
The link support section should look something like this:

BUFFERS 8 1500

This section is used by LSL. LSL is "Link Support Layer." It's a
standard developed by Novell to make it easier to develop drivers
for different types of connections (SLIP, PPP, ethernet).

The Buffers line tells LSL to create 8 buffers each 1500 bytes in
size. The 1500 you see here shouldn't be changed. You can adjust
the number of buffers but usually this should be between 4 and 16.
The more buffers you have the less likely you are to lose an
incoming packet when traffic is going in quickly. The only reason
you don't always want to run 16 buffers is because each buffer
takes up 1.5K. 16 of these would be 24K! Most people can't afford
this much memory. If you have some upper memory to spare you can
load lsl high and all of these buffers will be created in upper
memory (assuming there's room).

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

LCP Parameters:

Maximum Receive Unit: set to 1500.

Async-Control Map: set to FFFFFFFF.

Magic Number: set to 00000000.

Protocol Compression: normal set on. Some people might have
to turn this off if using an older PPP terminal

Address/Control Compression: same as above. Normally on.

IP Parameters:

Enable/Disable IP: Set to Enable IP.

Header Compression: set to Disable for pppshare. The
shareware version will not support header
compression. Since this won't affect Kali don't
worry about it.

IP Address: doesn't matter. You do NOT have to set this to
the number you are using when you connect.

Authentication Menu:

Select the None option unless you want to use PAP. The setup
for PAP is beyond the scope of this FAQ.

That's it! See? Easy as cake! OK, what did we do when we ran
pppmenu? We created a file called net.cfg. Read the next section
to find out more. Actually, you have to read the next section
anyway since pppmenu doesn't cover the Link Support section of the
net.cfg file.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Scripting Menu:

This is where you setup your dialing script. The scripting is
accomplished by having you provide a set of prompts and the
appropriate responses to each. You do not have to enter the
prompts for dialing and connecting since this will be taken
care of automatically by pppshare. Your script will probably
begin with a prompt (Expected String) something like
"username:". The response would be your actual username. If
you put a "\r" at the end of the response, pppshare will type
a carriage-return for you. You *DO* want this in most cases.
You will then probably need to enter a prompt for your
password in a similar manner. If you get confused, you can
always manually edit the script by editting net.cfg as
described in the next section of this FAQ. Most standard C
string sequences can be used. E.g. \n for newline, \0-7
octal number, \" double quote, \r carriage return, etc.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Ačkoli jsou lidé v AD&D bráni jako jedna rasa, existují ve všech variantách, jak je známe na zemi. Člověk může mít jakékoli rasové charakteristiky, jaké PJ povolí.
Lidé mají pouze jednu speciální schopnost. Mohou mít jakékoli povolání a dosáhnout v něm jakoukoli úroveň. Ostatní rasy mají výběr omezený.
Lidé jsou také mnohem tolerantnější vůči ostatním rasám a na společnost elfů, trpaslíků a dalších si většinou nestěžují.
Díky těmto dovednostem a sklonům se lidé stali ve světe velkou silou a často vládnou říším, které by ostatní rasy nezvládaly řídit.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Listen: select Don't Answer.

Connection type: you have a choice here. If you know your
script works and you don't want to watch it run,
select Modem-Auto Dial. If you want to watch the
connection process from pppmenu select Modem-Demand
Dial. If you don't want to run a script and want to
login manually, select Modem-Terminal.

Frame Type: this option will not affect pppshare with Kali.
Pick anything you want (I use Ethernet II).