Thursday, January 31, 2008

If you set net.cfg for demand dial you will need to select the
Connect option in pppmenu to start the connection. You should see
the status of the connection as it attempts to complete. If you
selected "terminal" you will have to enter the Terminal Mode screen
and manually dial and connect to your provider. You're on your own
here folks.

What is IPSTUB? IPSTUB is your packet driver. It provides the
interface between Kali and pppshare. It's very similar to ODIPKT
except that it doesn't require any configuration information in
net.cfg or any command-line options to load properly.

Any of these drivers, lsl, ppp, and ipstub, can be loaded into
upper memory. You can load just one or two into upper memory or
all three or none. Doesn't matter. At least you have three small
files and at least one or two will usually fit in an upper memory

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Loading the Drivers

Unlike Merit's etherppp (, the Klos driver has several
pieces. You must load these in the proper order to get the driver
running. You can create a batch file to simplify matter. My match
file looks like this:



Only the lsl, ppp, and ipstub programs actually remain in memory.
The pppmenu program is used to monitor your connection and the
pppwat program edits your wattcp.cfg file for you to put the proper
ip# in the my_ip line. All of these files including kali.exe and
wattcp.cfg should reside in the same directory.

If you run the batch file above, lsl will load, ppp will load
(after a brief pause), and the pppmenu will run. What you do in
pppmenu depends on how you setup net.cfg. If you set net.cfg to
autodial, you can just select the Status Displays. You will see a
screen with a bunch of silly numbers that mean nothing to most of
us. The important thing to watch is the LCP State and IPCP State
displays. These will say "Initial" when you first see them. They
should eventually say "?????" when your connection
completes properly. At this time you can exit pppmenu and the
pppwat program will run quicky as it edits wattcp.cfg and then the
IPSTUB program will load.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The SCRIPT lines are used to accomplish simple scripting. These
lines consist of three parts: the expected prompt, the appropriate
response, and the time to wait in seconds. In the example above
ppp would wait 20 seconds for the "Host Name:" prompt. If it gets
the prompt it will reply with "CIS\r". The "\r" tells ppp to issue
a carriage return. If ppp doesn't see the "Host Name:" prompt for
20 seconds it will go ahead and issue the "CIS\r" response and
continue to the next script line.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Leave OPEN set to active for most setups. Try passive if the host
hangs up on you when you first connect to it.

Use DIAL to set the phone number of your internet provider. The
Modem Name option is just a way to tell someone reading this script
what kinda modem you have.

MODEM INIT|INIT1, MODEM INIT2, and MODEM INIT3 are used to set init
strings for your modem. Most Hayes compatables only need at&f2 and
most USR modems need at&f1. Check your modem's manual to find the
init string needed to get data compression, error correction and
RTS/CTS flow control.

IPXCP DISABLE must be set when using the shareware driver
(pppshare). Don't worry, this doesn't affect the IPX in Kali.

PCOMP and ACCOMP are PPP compression strategies. These are
normally set to ON.