Thursday, March 27, 2008

Once connected you will see a list of other people wanting to play
games. Next to each name you will see what program they are
running. If you see anyone running DESCENTR, then you know that a
game of registered Descent is probably already underway and you can
go ahead and load Descent and join the game. If you see people
running KCHAT, then you know they are wanting to chat. See the
Kali Chat section below.

Once we decide to play a game, we exit Kali Chat and switch to our
game directory (in this case c:\games\descent) and load our games
in the usual way.

Using Kali Chat (Kchat)

Kali Chat is an IRC-like chat program for IPX networks. It was
written to help people using Kali communicate before and after
playing games. It will work over a local IPX network or over a
Kali Virtual SubNet.

To run Kali Chat, edit kchat.cfg

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

macro3 = This is my third macro!
macro8 = This is my eighth macro!
macro9 = /quit Bah! Humbug!

The macros are accessible by pressing alt-#, where # is replaced by
the number of the macro. "lines" can be set to 25 or 50.
"beeponarrival" causes Kali Chat to beep when people join. Read
the sample kchat.cfg for more.

Now I'm Really Ready! Right?

All right! Kali is now installed and ready for carnage! Now you
need to find opponents. There are several Kali Servers that you
can connect to and find other players.

Kali Servers are special Kali nodes that run 24 hours a day, all
year round. The purpose of Kali Servers is to provide a common
meeting place for Kali players. Here is the most recent list of
Kali Servers:

ip# Name Full name
--- ---- --------- Kali Central Kali World AXXIS Server CastleNet FlexNet Internexus

To connect to a Kali Server, just type:


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Testing your TCP/IP Setup

If everything looks OK, the next step is to use the PING program to
test your connection (SLiRP users will have to skip this section).
At the DOS prompt, type


should be replaced with a know ip#. The list of servers
below would be a good set to test with. An example might be:


After a brief delay, you should see 10 lines showing a response
from the host including the round trip time for PING's test
packets. If you see the "Timeout" error message, then something is
wrong with your setup; if your PC is unable to ping, kali will
probably not work.

Put Me in, Coach - I'm Ready to Play!

Not quite yet. Be sure to edit your kali.cfg and kchat.cfg files.
Registered users should be sure to include a serial#, key, skey,
realname, email, and other parameters. Something like this:

Nickname = KingThug (that's me!)
serial = xxxxxxxxxxxx
key = xxxxxxxxxxxx
skey = xxxxxxxxxxxx
realname = Jay Cotton
email =
other = Call 1-801-565-1443 and order Kali today!
tracker =
@world =
@central =
@bob =

The lines beginning with the @ sign are server shortcuts. These
lines allow you to type:

KALI @world

and Kali will look in the kali.cfg file for "@world=" and replace
this with the actual ip# or address. You can also type "kali /a"
and Kali will query all the servers on the Kali Tracker and list
the players.

Nickname = KingThug
lines = 50
macro1 = I *really* hate macros!
macro2 = This is my second macro!

Monday, March 17, 2008

netmask =
ppp = 1

For a SLIP user:

my_ip =
nameserver =

If you are a PPP user don't forget the ppp=1 option. The sample
wattcp.cfg that comes with Kali already has this line but it has a
semicolon and a space in front of it. Remove the semicolon and
space to activate the option.

Save the changed file and exit back to DOS.

If you don't know the proper values for some or all of these
settings, you can see if your site runs what is called a BOOTP
server. If your LAN has a BOOTP server installed, you can put
"BOOTP" on the "my_ip=" line and leave the other lines out (except
the ppp=1 line). Kali will contact the BOOTP server and determine
all the settings it needs to communicate with other machines on the
Internet. If your site is not running a BOOTP server, then your
task is a little more difficult (but not impossible!)

Ethernet players only: If you know your machine's IP address, but
you can't determine the other values, you can often get away with
some educated guesswork. For instance, the gateway for a subnet
usually has an IP address ending in .1, as is the case with our
example. Thus, if your IP address is xxx.yyy.zzz.www, try setting
your gateway's IP address to xxx.yyy.zzz.1. As for the subnet mask,
a common value for this parameter is In some cases,
the gateway value can be something like xxx.yyy.1.1 with a
corresponding netmask value of - if one doesn't work,
it can't hurt to try the other. Finally, if you don't know your
nameserver's IP address, you can probably get by without it for the
purposes of playing Internet games. Since you'll be specifying IP
addresses for all of your opponents' machines, a nameserver lookup
won't be necessary to resolve their addresses.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

NOTE: Since SLiRP users must share the ip number of their host, two
Kali players on the same host will have to use different ports for
Kali. If you get an error when running SLiRP that says you don't
have permission to redirect the port, try using a different port.
Try 2214 instead. IMPORTANT: if you use a different port, be sure
to add a line in your kali.cfg file that reads something like:

port = 2214

Also, if you plan to host a Kali VSN, the other players will have
to enter your port number on the command line like this:

Kali aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd 2214

Setting up and using Kali

Step 1: Set up a new directory where Kali and all its configuration
files will be kept. You can name this directory anything you like
(I suggest c:\Kali). UnZIP the file into this new
directory, and make it the default (chdir to it). We will refer to
this directory as the "Kali directory."

Step 3: Set up your WATTCP.CFG file. Your WATTCP.CFG file contains
important parameters used by the WATTCP TCP/IP kernel built into
Kali. These values MUST be entered correctly if you wish to make a
connection with another Kali node. In preparation for this, you'll
need several bits of information. Ethernet users should contact
the network administrator for your site and find out the IP address
for your machine, the IP address for your gateway or router, the IP
address of at least one Domain Name Server local to your site, and
your netmask value. SLIP and PPP users will only have to know
their own ip# and a nameserver; the ip# is usually reported each
time you connect. If using snatch this will be taken care if
automatically when you connect. IP addresses consist of four
groups of digits separated by periods. In our example, the
machine's IP address is, the gateway is,
the netmask is, and the nameserver address is NOTE: it is important to use the numeric IP
addresses, not the actual host names. NOTE: If you have other
internet programs currently installed on your machine, such as a
Gopher client, the Trumpet newsreader, or the iFrag program, you
can probably find the information you need in the configuration
files used for those programs. If the application is based on the
Waterloo TCP package, it will have it's own WATTCP.CFG, in which
case you can simply copy it over to your Kali directory. When you
have collected all this information, use your favorite ASCII text
editor to edit the WATTCP.CFG file in your Kali directory. Edit or
add the lines beginning with my_ip=, gateway=, nameserver=, and
netmask=. On our example machine, the WATTCP.CFG file for an
ethernet user looks like this:

my_ip =
gateway =
netmask =
nameserver =

For a PPP user:

my_ip =
nameserver =

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Replace aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd with the ip number of the host (unix)
machine. Use this same number in your wattcp.cfg file. Your ip
number will be the same as that of your host. Do NOT use the ip
number reported by SLiRP anywhere in your configuration. If you
do, it just won't work! I'm serious. I *know* that SLiRP says you
can use any ip number you want. For most applications this is
fine, but Kali *must* *must* *must* have SLiRP setup using the unix
host's ip# in wattcp.cfg (my_ip) and in the redirection commands in
.slirprc. Ok?

Also, the baudrate is not the actual speed of the modem. It's hard
to explain. Read the SLiRP docs for more info. Basically, higher
numbers have faster through-put and slower response; lower numbers
have slower through-put and faster response. You can experiment.

Next, follow all the steps for using SLIP above. As far as
connecting to your SLIP provider, connect to your shell account as
you normally would. If you are connecting through a terminal
server, be sure to get an 8 bit connection using rlogin. Some
terminal servers have commands like "terminal download" or "set
session 1 passall" to provide a better connection for pseudo SLIP
users. If you have trouble with Kali working through a terminal
server, be sure to look into this. After attaching and logging in,
just type slirp. Exit your communication program without hanging
up and continue like other SLIP users (see above).

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Using Kali With a Shell Account


To use Kali with a shell account, you need a SLIP emulator. The
only SLIP emulator that current supports port-redirection
(something very important to Kali) is a program called SLiRP. Many
internet providers, including netcom, use TIA for SLIP access. TIA
2.0 doesn't work with Kali. Use SLiRP instead.

You *must* use SLiRP version 0.9k or newer. The older versions
just won't work with Kali (problems with the UDP redirection code).
To get SLiRP, login into your shell account and from there download
the SLiRP source code from your favorite Kali site, or the latest
can always be found at:

The instructions for installing SLiRP are included with this
program. The installation of SLiRP is done from your shell
account, not DOS. Basically, you will need to unzip the archive
first by typing:

gunzip slirp-0.9k.tar.gz

You then must untar the archive by typing:

tar -xvf slirp-0.9k.tar

This will create a directory structure called slirp-0.9k/. Go to
the src subdirectory by typing cd slirp-0.9k/src. Type:


Then type:


This will create a file called slirp. Copy this file to your home
directory. Something like:

cp slirp ~

might work. Then, using your favorite text editor, create a file
called .slirprc in your home directory. Put the following in this

redir udp 2213 to aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:2213
baudrate 28800
mtu 2000
